The School of Film and Animation is where the timeless art of filmmaking meets cutting-edge technology. It’s a creative community that allows students to explore their talents in the art of filmmaking ...
Kinetic Imaging at Western Michigan University’s Gwen Frostic School of Art is a Bachelor of Science Degree with tracks in Animation, Game Art, and Video Art. The Kinetic Imaging core includes ...
Master of Arts and Master of Fine Arts degrees. Some animation schools offer Bachelor of Science or Master of Science degrees that focus on the technical side of animation. Prospective animation ...
Phenakistoscope workshops provide a hands-on experience, transporting you back to the early days of animation. These ...
Students will study aspects of the visual medium as well as being exposed to the technical side of animation and games while exploring the historical significance. The Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts ...
Columbus College of Art and Design is creating new opportunities to prepare its students for creative careers while still on ...
Kinetic Imaging at Western Michigan University’s Gwen Frostic School of Art is a Bachelor of Science Degree with tracks in Animation, Game Art, and Video Art. The Kinetic Imaging core includes ...
SVA has prepared young artists for the animation industry for over 40 years. Our faculty includes some of the best artists in the industry, who bring knowledge and experience in multiple disciplines ...
BYU’s collaborative approach to student animation projects is also unique. “You know, you go to any other art school, and ...
Point Park University announced big structural changes that are coming to its most well-known academic school.
Computer Art at SVA allows for specialization in 3D computer animation, visual effects and game arts. Here you will learn technical skills as well as narrative and story development. We strive to give ...