Cite this: The Intestinal Absorption of Biliary and Dietary Cholesterol as a Drug Target for Lowering the Plasma Cholesterol Level - Medscape - Jan 01, 2003.
This happens when there is either an acceleration in the rate of conversion of cholesterol to bile acids, or a reduction in the amount of lipoprotein or chylomicron cholesterol entering the liver ...
Following reports linking thiazide diuretics with increased biliary cholesterol saturation, it has been postulated that these drugs increase the risk of gallstone development. Leitzmann and ...
Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC), also known as primary biliary cirrhosis, is a chronic and progressive disease that damages and can eventually destroy the bile ducts of the liver. Researchers ...
but it appears that it binds to cholesterol and bile acids in the intestine, making it unavailable for absorption. Then, when the liver needs to replace the bile acids that went out with the fiber ...
Without cholesterol, you can't make vitamin D from sunlight. And, it helps create bile acid so you can digest fat. Cholesterol is in every single cell, building healthy cell membranes in your ...