Thirty years after the events of Blade Runner (1982), a new Blade Runner, L.A.P.D. Officer "K" (Ryan Gosling), unearths a long-buried secret that has the potential to plunge what's left of society ...
While Gladiator II shows that Ridley Scott's directing career is still as strong as ever, there are many who still regard Blade Runner as his greatest movie. Released in 1982, Blade Runner takes ...
Ex-cop Rick Deckard sets out on the trail of a group of fugitive replicants, human-like robots used as slaves, that have mutinied in a bid to extend their limited lifespans and are hiding on Earth.
The inside of Blade Runner's flying cars are full of gadgets, and look similar to the cockpit of a plane. But it's notable that those inside are not strapped in - the film was made before ...
The maker of the film Blade Runner 2049 has sued Tesla, Elon Musk and Warner Bros Discovery, alleging they used imagery from the movie without permission. Production firm Alcon Entertainment ...