Here's why you probably don't have bugs in your Christmas tree, despite the stories of infestations you may see. When we see those horror stories about hundreds of insects hitching a ride into ...
Experts at Crown Pavilions, warn that real Christmas trees can be home to a variety of pests, including spiders, mites, and aphids. These pests can pose a danger to pets, potentially causing ...
MDA Planning on buying a Christmas tree or holiday greens online this year? Be sure destructive pests aren’t hitching a ride. As the popularity of online and mail order trees ...
Picking out the perfect Christmas tree is an important tradition for many families. But the trees that make it as far as your home are the lucky ones - at least they've been spared the Grinch-like ...
Nothing says happy holidays like a real Christmas tree or festive greenery freshly harvested from a local farm. But how can we avoid bringing unwanted critters, like aphids, mites and the dreaded, ...
Real Christmas trees fill your home with the sweet smell of pine. It’s a great way to get into the holiday spirit. What’s not so merry is what could be lurking within the tree.