MacCubbin gives advice on gardening in Florida including care of crape myrtles, dwarf yaupon hollies, hibiscus, lichen on ...
In this guide, I’ll run through the anatomy of the crape myrtle’s roots and the primary considerations to be aware of when ...
• Generally, most pruning of trees and shrubs is best done in late winter. Spring-blooming shrubs should be pruned after ...
Asian Ambrosia beetles are small reddish-brown beetles that bore into crape myrtle trunks to lay their eggs. To feed their ...
Cutting back a crape myrtle in the late winter will encourage the plant to put its energy into growing flowers instead of branches. Crape myrtles don't need to be pruned every year. Trim off ...
Honeydew, a sugary excrement, can be seen on bark and leaves Sooty mold can follow honeydew and turn bark and leaves black and gray (Figure 2). It is not a pathogen but will discolor plants Crape ...
Crape Myrtles are one of the most well-known flowering ... Usually straining out the seeds, and heating the fruit removes most of it. The Bald Cypress is a misunderstood tree.
Crape Murder is the act of severely pruning the tops of crape myrtles. The reason for this senseless act is the misguided ...