Nevertheless, selecting the most suitable dental floss from the plethora of options available in the market, to meet your personal needs, can pose a difficulty. When considering dental floss ...
My dentist recommended a specific floss, but it wasn't working. It was thin, felt slippery between my fingers, and left food behind. This past summer at Sephora, I spotted a dental floss labeled ...
According to a 2017 survey reported by the American Dental Association, only 16% of people always floss at least once a day and 8% of respondents said they never floss. It's time to change this.
It makes you wonder if there is a difference if you floss before or after brushing. Below are the American Dental Association recommendation for flossing and why some believe you should floss ...
Ahead of Dental Health Week (August 7-13), the Australian ... today by the ADA reveals three in four Aussies rarely or never floss and one in five only brush their teeth once a day.
However, the faff of this step means many of us often skip it, while others can find that dental floss can lead to bleeding gums. If you fall into either of these categories, you may be interested ...