GIA studies show fluorescence strength barely affects a colorless or near-colorless diamond’s appearance. In most cases, fluorescence is caused by the presence of nitrogen as a trace element impurity ...
If the gemstone gives off a blue glow, it's thought to be real. However, Zhang points out that not all diamonds have fluorescence, which is what emits that cool color when placed under the light.
Fluorescence is the visible light some gemstones emit when they are exposed to invisible ultraviolet (UV) rays. In natural diamonds, blue is the most common color of fluorescence, but other colors may ...
The diamond storage technology is currently not commercially viable due to the high cost of the equipment required. This includes lasers, high-speed fluorescence imaging cameras, and other ...
Resonance Frequency,Centers In Diamond,Change In Fluorescence Intensity,Electron Spin,Excitation Efficiency,Fault Modes,Finite Element Analysis,Fundamental Frequency ...
Chemical Vapor Deposition,Magnetic Field,Microwave Field,Nitrogen-vacancy Centers,Red Fluorescence,Centers In Diamond,External Magnetic Field,Fluorescence Intensity,Intersystem Crossing,Microwave ...