With many members of Stylist HQ suffering from a severe Diet Coke addiction, you might have to prise those machines from our Kung Fu grip… You’re now subscribed to all our newsletters.
When I was in college, I declared Diet Coke my enemy. My reason was the only good reason to declare anything an enemy: Someone wrote a bad blog about it. Some girl I didn’t know published an op-ed in ...
Diet Coke: a clash of the titans ... If a flight attendant or a vending machine gives me the choice, I'll zero in on Coke Zero every time. I know cola drinkers who are still mourning the Coke ...
"The change will bring Coke, Coke Zero and Diet Coke, as well as Sprite instead ... focus on the quality of the product coming out of the machine, including guidelines on machine maintenance ...
Protein Diet Coke, the newest viral trend on TikTok, has taken the internet by storm. The drink, a mix of Diet Coke and a flavored protein shake, was first popularised by Rebecca Gordan ...