Through a series of edicts carved in stone and placed throughout the empire, Ashoka proclaimed to his people the importance of Buddhist values and his beliefs about how his people should act.
Major Rock Edict IV-Dhammaghosha - the sound of Dhamma/righteousness over Bherighosha - the sound of war. In his view, King ...
These pillars were in fact a sort of public address system: their purpose was to carry, carved on them, proclamations or edicts from Ashoka, which could then be promulgated all over India and beyond.
Prinsep was able to read Asoka's edicts in India, which were in Pali, with the help of Turnour and the monks. But Prinsep's greatest discovery was the identification of“King Piyadassi” in the ...
Ashokan edicts are cited as a rare example of a king showing remorse over the massacre in the Kalinga War. In all probability, this brutal assault was meant to gain access to iron mines and sea ports.
Worse, because no accounts from the period survive. And better, because Ashoka’s edicts have preserved his voice insofar as texts bearing his imprimatur may be confidently attributed.
To honor the great achievements of Ashoka, students mimic the style of the Great Rock Edicts and write an edict memorializing one of Ashoka’s accomplishments. To follow up, students develop ...
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. A delegation of Sri Lankan Buddhist Monks visited Ashoka's Rock Edict at Shahbazgarhi in Mardan District of Khyber ...