Disney’s “Frozen” centers around the bond between sisters Elsa and Anna. Elsa possesses magical ice powers that she struggles to control, inadvertently plunging their kingdom into eternal ...
The kingdom’s two princesses, Elsa and Anna, are left orphaned by a shipwreck. Disney helpfully made Elsa blonde and Anna brunette, for ease of telling them apart. The older sister, Elsa ...
The Disney blockbuster, which tells the story of Snow Queen Elsa, her loveable, goofy sister Anna and Olaf the snowman, became an instant classic when it premiered in November 2013. It earned a st ...
A Disney Dreamlight Valley glitch turned Elsa into a horror movie character, horrifying but amusing players. The community made light of the Elsa glitch with jokes, with the poster of the clip ...
led by a standout Cailen Fu as Anna. She's enchanting from the moment she appears onstage, pleading with an isolated Elsa through a keyhole. Fu captures that quintessential Disney princess charm ...