Disney’s “Frozen” centers around the bond between sisters Elsa and Anna. Elsa possesses magical ice powers that she struggles to control, inadvertently plunging their kingdom into eternal ...
Disney has always aimed at kids, but it’s also fair to say that their movies are made for the whole family. The thing is, we don’t really get what this exactly means until we’re older. Watching some ...
A Disney Dreamlight Valley glitch turned Elsa into a horror movie character, horrifying but amusing players. The community made light of the Elsa glitch with jokes, with the poster of the clip ...
Narrator: Here's Elsa and Anna in 2013's "Frozen ... but even more so in their hair and clothes. Disney Animation had a few movies in between "Frozen" and "Frozen II" to develop their animation.
Watch a first look at Theatre Under The Stars' production of Frozen! Theatre Under The Stars was one of only a handful of theatres across the country chosen by Disney to create one of the first ...
As one of the handful of regional theatres chosen by Disney to create their own, original production of Frozen, the Fulton Theatre is proud to bring the beloved story of Elsa, Anna, and the ...