It is possible that hyperplastic polyps, SSA/Ps and TSAs, are divergent pathways from inception. Figure 5. Typical appearance of a sessile serrated adenoma/polyp in the ascending colon.
Account for 10% to 15% of polyps; Cause 20% to 30% of colon cancers Hyperplastic Type of serrated polyp; Common; Small; ...
*Number of genomic copies/μL. This is an ASCO Meeting Abstract from the 2025 ASCO Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium. This abstract does not include a full text component.
Eight endoscopists were then invited to predict the histology (each endoscopist 100 videos, 800 video assessments in all). Polyps were classified into types 1–3 (hyperplastic) and type 4 (adenoma).