Among the risks are increased emotional dysregulation and decreased concentration abilities, studies suggest. Read more at ...
How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness has set off alarms and panic from local school ...
Although nearly one in two Swiss primary school kids owns a smartphone, their favourite activities remain playing outside, sports and meeting friends, says a nationwide survey. They also spend ...
we were playing board games every night." She now believes "smartphones should be banned for children under 16". John Player, the head teacher at The Stanway School, said staff noticed a ...
Phones are largely banned already ... More broadly, as a society we’ve moved away from a “play-based childhood”, in which children progress through the world and learn about their own ...
He makes an iron-clad case that social media is inappropriate for children and ... less likely to play youth sports and more likely to be alone on their phones. Some teens sleep with their phones ...
Matt and Emma Willis are hosting a new documentary about the impact of smartphones on children's behaviour [Channel 4] TV personalities Matt and Emma Willis said they wanted to be a part of a new ...
Given the childhood habits that were “crucial” to Bill Gates’s success and how the world has changed, the billionaire ...