A large spider, but with a very small greyish body and long thin legs. They prefer the warm and constant temperatures of our homes ... They feed on any insects found in homes and will also take other ...
What looks like a spider but isn’t one, lives underwater and breathes through its legs? That would be the mysterious sea ...
They like holes, cracks and nooks in moist, dark areas of the house. Since they ... short-bodied varieties, cellar spiders are sometimes mistaken for daddy-long legs, which are not actually ...
whereas spiders have six to eight eyes. Daddy longlegs belong to the family Opiliones which includes several different species. The name daddy longlegs comes from their small form and long legs ...
These included: the House Spider family, the Daddy Long Legs spider, several Orb Weaving species such as Araneus Diadematus, the Zebra Jumping spider and the False Widow. We also played host to ...