My silence regarding my mental health has stemmed from several fears — none of them rational. I was afraid that my mental illness meant that I was a bad feminist. I was afraid that people would tell ...
The MindinfoLine offers thousands of callers confidential help on a range of mental health issues ... with our national programme work in See Me, respectme, suicide prevention and active ...
and specific structures that can help you through a rough spot. (They've certainly helped me—the fifth one on the list legitimately changed my life.) Basket Case is a mental health podcast ...
And they can help others by volunteering or advocating on behalf of those with mental health conditions. How can people with mental health conditions counter the effects of stigma? Created with ...
So, I decided to ask members of the BuzzFeed Community who have struggled with their mental health to tell me what things they ... before they got mental health help. Here are their answers ...