The wildlife cull has been criticised by animal rights group PETA as short-sighted, cruel and ineffective. - Outcry - "We urge Namibia to reconsider these actions," PETA senior vice president ...
The successful relocation of these two cheetahs represents a trend in Namibia. Wildlife numbers are increasing, especially in conservancies and private reserves beyond national park boundaries.
But where human-wildlife conflict threatens life and livelihood, wildlife impacts can undermine the goals of CBNRM. Based on research on women’s experiences in Namibia’s Kwandu Conservancy, we examine ...
WWF scientists have helped identify six areas in KAZA that are critical to the movement of wildlife across national borders, focusing on three corridors where wildlife populations and their habitats ...
Hosted by Namibia's Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), in cooperation with the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Network (BES-Net), the ...