The price for olive oil decreased by 8.3 per cent and bourbon by 4.5 per cent. These shifts in pricing came as the inflation rate climbed up to 3.1 per cent in December, marking a 2.6 per cent ...
Unfavourable climate conditions, like drought, have impacted major international exporters of the product. Yahoo Canada reached out to an expert who said lower prices for olive oil sold in Canadian ...
This price decline followed sharp increases in 2021 and 2022 that occurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic, extreme weather conditions and Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Despite a surge in olive oil ...
Fortunately, prices are expected to be slashed in half this year by manufacturer Deoleo. Having a spoonful of olive oil daily was also connected to neurological and gut health benefits.
A food prices warning has been issued to anyone buying chocolate, olive oil, butter or lamb. Experts warn challenges in sourcing goods and in supply chains will continue to push prices up at the ...