I must be the happiest bird in the world,' he cawed ... You’re not plain at all,' said the Peacock. 'If you look closely, your feathers, although black, have just as many colours in them as ...
India's national bird, the peacock, was chosen in 1963 for its cultural ... of the peacock is its extravagant plumage. Its trailing feathers happen to be covered with patterns of eyes on them.
Computer animators and video game designers may soon have a better way to create the purple-green sheen of a grackle's wing, or the pink flash on a hummingbird's throat, thanks to a new method for ...
It might be ornate peacock plumage, large antlers on a deer, or a bird's particularly melodious mating call. Another type of sexual selection is combat among members of the same sex to choose an ...
This Peacock has all the feathers... When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. There are currently two options when it comes to a ...