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The eared quetzal (Euptilotis neoxenus), found in the mountains of Mexico and occasionally the southwestern United States, is not a "true" quetzal because it is not in the Pharomachrus genus.
Below is a table showing 366 days of historical exchange rates data for the year of 2020, covering the US Dollar (USD) to Guatemala Quetzal (GTQ) conversion. Converting US Dollar (USD) to ...
The quetzal, a stunning symbol of beauty and freedom, enchants with its iridescent plumage and elegance, captivating birdwatchers throughout Central and South America. The Resplendent Quetzal ...
We all stood around in the pre-dawn waiting for a local guide and a van to pick us up. Everyone was hopeful and excited at the possibility of seeing and capturing some images of this amazing bird. We ...
Quetzal is one of the largest birds in Ark Survival Evolved. Thanks to its size, Quetzal has always been a highly sought-after tame, and it also holds in the newly released Ark Fjordur expansion ...