New research shows that three sites spread along an approximately 620-mile portion of today's Denali Fault were once a smaller united geologic feature indicative of the final joining of two land ...
Digital healthcare consultations are not enough for a safe assessment of tonsillitis, according to a new study. Reliability will not be sufficient, thus increasing the risk of over- or under-treatment ...
The economic impact of dental caries (tooth decay) is disproportionately higher in the most deprived groups, new research finds. The economic impact of dental caries (tooth decay) is ...
Researchers developed a fully open-source biomolecular structure prediction model that achieves state-of-the-art performance, at the level of AlpahFold3, in an effort to democratize biomedical ...
A research group has analyzed the digital ecosystem of 11- to 12-year-old children across the Basque Autonomous Community, and concluded that two out of three own a smartphone. They use smartphones ...
Dancing lowers the depression associated with Parkinson's disease, and the benefits can be seen in multiple ways, a new study shows. Dancing lowers the depression associated with Parkinson disease, ...
Molecular biologists decode the epigenetic silencing of problematic retroviral gene sequences. LMU molecular biologist Gunnar Schotta decodes the epigenetic silencing of problematic retroviral gene ...
A researcher has found that the rapid detection of snakes by monkeys is because of the presence of snake scales as a visual cue. His findings highlight an evolutionary adaptation of primates to ...
Artificial light can wake sleeping fish and attract predators, changing nighttime coral reef communities, according to new research using novel underwater infrared cameras.
Dec. 17, 2024 — Another advance has been made by experts in nano-scale chemistry to propel further development of sustainable and efficient generation of hydrogen from water using solar power.
Bright, twisted light can be produced with technology similar to an Edison light bulb, researchers have shown. The finding adds nuance to fundamental physics while offering a new avenue for robotic ...