Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider, or “Lick”, was an American psychologist and computer science pioneer. There are many claims for the “father” of internet technology. Only one has the title of ...
In 1876 Curt Dietzschold (1852-1922), a German mechanical engineer from Dresden was invited to come to Glashütte (a small town in Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge, which was the birthplace of the ...
The article written by Percy E. Ludgate in 1909 first gives thanks to Professor C. V. Boys, F.R.S. for his assistance on the subject of analytical machines. Ludgate also refers to the work of Charles ...
The Burroughs Adding Machine can still be purchased today from sites like eBay, usually for between $70 and $300, or more depending on the condition of the machine. At one point the Burroughs Adding ...
The relay computers were huge, slow, expensive, and often undependable machines, but nevertheless, they deserve our attention, because they were the first digital computers and traced the path for ...
Albert Stettner Jr., a mechanic from Berlin, Prussia, was a holder of 2 German (DE21236 and DE23098 from 1882) and 1 USA (US277627 from 1883) patent for keyboard adding machines. The patents DE23098 ...
Abby has a B.A. in English, and has written short and long fiction, with a published novel, lyrics and poetry. She's also done interviews and pieces on the folk music industry. Besides writing and ...
In the 1860s, Elizur Wright (see the biography of Elizur Wright), an American mathematician and abolitionist, sometimes described as the father of life insurance in the United States, invented his ...