Tracking the latest cultural, economic, political and social developments from around the nation ...
Yang Chuan-kuang, better known to both Orient and Occident as "C. K. Yang," is the world's greatest decathlon performer and the first man to break through the 9,000-point barrier. Coaches have called ...
Kuh... kuh... kuh ... " The five-year-old boy repeats the sound over and over, frowning with increasing intensity as the teacher shakes her head "No, that's not right ...
The other day I was visiting a friend of mine in Sinpeitow, Taiwan. At his home I met a gentleman who was introduced to me as a very successful journalist and an authority on world history. In our ...
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Since the time of mercantilism, Taiwan has been known to the West. Around the middle of the 16th century, Portuguese navigators sailing down the west coast of the island were struck by its beauty and ...
Most tourists come to Taiwan for two or three days. They look around Taipei, sample the excellent Chinese cooking and the night life, see a temple or two, and perhaps get a few miles out of town to ...
Napoleon once said that the good soldier is he who knows what he is fighting for. If millions have been spurred on by the Kremlin and its agents with Communist ideology to enslave mankind and their ...
For centuries, the Chinese people have con­sciously or unconsciously followed the teaching of Confucius in their religious be­liefs. The famous saying of his such as "To treat all divinities with ...