Abbiamo dormito nel nuovo hotel super sperimentale di Berlino, pensato per stare come a casa, dove tutto funziona con una app ...
We spent a night in Berlin’s new super-experimental hotel, designed to make you feel at home, where everything works through ...
In occasione di un un evento che si è tenuto negli studi della Warner Bros a Hollywood, Tesla ha mostrato alcuni prototipi ...
In a small village in the Basque Country, Bear Architects redesigns a plot of land previously occupied by a water treatment ...
Tesla showed off some prototypes of its driverless car and a 20-seat autonomous bus at an event at Warner Bros studios in ...
With a mission to update while respecting the past, Progetto CMR's renovation project will transform one of the most famous ...
The shots of the Urban Reports collective capture the urban regeneration work Seimilano, which has changed the face of a vast ...
Il Jacobs Music Center, nato come cinema nel 1929 e diventato sede dell’orchestra sinfonica della città californiana, ha ...
La storica azienda Clementoni ha lanciato un nuovo robot giocattolo per insegnare ai bambini le basi della robotica e del ...
The Centro Direzionale station will feature an organic piazza and laminated wood, drawing inspiration from both grand ...
With a calendar of contemporary art events and unmistakable references to modern architecture, set against a unique heritage, ...
Italian toy company Clementoni introduced a new AI robot to teach kids the basics of robotics, though the AI label might be ...