Despite assurances during a flag meeting, the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) has not removed the barbed wire fence and bamboo poles erected near the Panchbibi border in Joypurhat for three days.
One neighbor’s refusal to pitch in on a boundary line left the family to build it themselves, and years later, they made sure ...
Materials for the barbed wire fence (see Table 2) are similar to the woven wire fence except that five strands of 12-gauge barbed wire are substituted for the woven wire and single strand of barbed ...
India's Border Security Force (BSF) once again tried to erect a barbed wire fence along the border area in Joypurhat today (21 January), prompting the Border Guard Bangladesh to intervene. The ...
Over a week after New Delhi summoned the Dhaka envoy to raise issues over border fencing, the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) has claimed that its troops deterred India's Border Security Forces (BSF) ...
Catching massive sharks in Fisch is always a good idea to earn XP and a lot of money and one such creature to get is the Barbed Shark. It’s a Legendary fish that is quite rare and can be found in a ...
7 x 9 in. (17.8 x 22.9 cm.) ...
Banking off of one unique to succeed is a tough gamble. Unfortunately for Whirlwind Barb enjoyers, your best bet with the class currently is running other skills. It’s not a non-viable build per ...