Makefile需要将ARDUINO_PATH改到自己的arduino路径,新版的好像都没有mksketch,我用的proteus自带的编译。 5.在buzzer目录下cmd指令node main运行js文件,js会先mp3转码成pcm输出到sound目录, 在经过串口输出到arduino。(js里面的串口号也要改成自己的,波特率不要改) ...
We'll be needing all these data in the next section. • If we look at lines 10 to 98 - those are the defined notes with frequencies (in Hz). Our Arduino would be connected to a buzzer. A buzzer can't ...
The base unit houses an Arduino board which polls the buttons to see which is pressed first. The LED on the appropriate buzzer box is illuminated so the players know who got in first. One special ...