Crape myrtles don’t seem to mind how you prune ... A: So sorry for your plant loss but this can happen when bleach or similar cleaning agents contact plants. You have done all that is practical ...
Texas A&M Forest Service warns against incorrect pruning practices for the beautiful trees.
You may be tempted to prune your plants as soon as they shed their foliage in early winter, but early pruning comes with some ...
We have moved our rural fencing and my wife now wants to take five crape myrtles out. Can trees this large be successfully ...
Dear Neil: We have moved our rural fencing and my wife now wants to take five crape myrtles out ... just about lost all that pigmentation. This plant is in serious decline. I looked closely ...
• Generally, most pruning of trees and shrubs is best done in late winter. Spring-blooming shrubs should be pruned after ...
Attempting to save a fading plant can feel hopeless. Fortunately for one Reddit user, the r/arborists subreddit specializes in offering hope to people in those kinds of situations. The original poster ...
Cutting back crepe myrtles is a divisive topic, but there is one thing we can all agree on. The best time to cut back crepe ...
If needed, extensive pruning should be done to spring-flowering trees and shrubs soon after they finish flowering. Prune ...
For summer flowering shrubs, late winter/early spring, before green up begins, is the best time to prune for them to look ...