Hero Xoom 160 Price starts at Rs. 1.48 Lakh which is Rs. 90,193 costlier than base model of Crayon Envy priced at Rs. 58,307. In technical specifications, Hero Xoom 160 is powered by 156 cc engine.
Yes, there are cult-favorite crayons, and yes there’s more than one brand out there. If you’re a Crayola Loyalist, we don’t blame you. The craft supply company has been a trusted household ...
However, you should also know that there is a very simple at-home solution available to (literally) brighten up your days and help you feel less lethargic, sluggish, and down: Light therapy lamps ...
LG has developed a new lamp that doubles as an indoor garden. The lamp, which LG will show off at CES in January, serves as an adjustable grow light for the tray of up to 20 plants beneath it ...
A rare ceramic oil lamp from the late Roman period that bears images of items used in the Second Temple has been discovered in Jerusalem, the Israel Antiquities Authority said Thursday.
The Govee Table Lamp 2 is your go-to smart light if you're a lover of eye-catching and colorful additions to your decor. The intuitive and attractive Govee app holds a huge range of customizable ...