Disney‘s theatrical legacy is entering uncharted waters with an innovative production of The Tale of Moana aboard their newest vessel, the Disney Treasure. This groundbreaking show joins an ...
“Moana 2” is Disney‘s third 2024 release to join the billion-dollar club following “Inside Out 2” and “Deadpool & Wolverine,” capping off a stellar 12 months for the film studi ...
Nearly two months after earning the biggest Thanksgiving opening weekend in box office history, Disney’s “Moana 2” has passed $1 billion at the global box office. The sequel added $13.9 ...
In total, 56 movies have ever crossed $1B worldwide. Moana 2 is the 32nd from Disney (including three from the Fox acquisition) as well as being the 4th from Walt Disney Animation Studios (along ...
Disney’s various studios have delivered quite a few films to the $1 billion club, with Moana 2 being the latest adventure to cross the infamous threshold. Over the weekend, nearly two months ...
Having completed two months in theaters worldwide, Disney's Moana 2 has now passed perhaps its final global box office milestone. And it's the most meaningful one yet. This weekend, the animated ...
Dwayne Johnson's Moana 2 has crossed the $1 billion mark at the global box office, making Disney change its original decision to a fruitful one.
Disney fans have hailed the box office success of Moana 2 as proof that major studios such as Disney need a change their strategy for straight-to-streaming releases. The film, a sequel to the 2016 ...
Disney's Moana and her friends Loto, Moni and Kele. Photo / Disney Disney has a new member of its billion-dollar-grossing movie club for 2024, with smash hit animated sequel Moana 2 earning US$1. ...
Disney has a new member of its billion-dollar-grossing movie club for 2024, with smash hit animated sequel Moana 2 earning US$1.009 billion ($1.8b) globally eight weekends from its release date.