Mimose Martial, a 75 year-old grandmother who takes care of her grandchildren and adult daughter with down syndrome, checks on the foot of her grandson, Samson, 2, after he started crying.
As a shy kid with Down syndrome, Dyke started dance classes in Adelaide when he was 12. This year, he became the first Australian with Down syndrome to direct a mainstage work for a professional ...
nearly 20% of people with Down syndrome also have autism spectrum disorder. As Senate president, I was fortunate to visit the Rutgers Center for Adult Autism Services, a place that reenforced my ...
For those with Klinefelter syndrome, this painful reality is a constant struggle. How does an extra X chromosome lead to infertility in men? Professor Qiao Jie and her team at Peking University ...
I also feel like this child thinks of us as a stream of cash flow and we are being shaken down. None of the other five kids in the family have done this. The adult grandchild never sends anything ...
Scientists have issued a stark warning to humanity when it comes to the Kessler syndrome that could send ... Phone networks would go down with no satellites in the sky to ping calls from.