To maintain good oral health, it's important to floss properly, taking into account your tooth shape and flossing frequency.
You know the drill — you’re supposed to floss at least once a day to remove plaque and food particles from your teeth to reduce your risk of cavities and gum disease. Some flosses are healthier than ...
Dentists suggest that you leave the toothpaste residue for at least a little while after brushing your teeth. Here’s what you need to know.
If you’re looking to get healthy in the new year, it’s important to make sure you focus on all parts of your body – including ...
Maintaining good dental health is crucial for your smile and overall well-being. By following a few simple habits, you can ...
I saw a tweet (well, post on X) in which someone advised, “only floss the teeth you want to keep”. I reached for the minty spool pretty ... Instead, the gum attaches to the root of the tooth ― there’s ...
A tough one for those who have that go-to pick me up, the dentist claims energy drinks could be a culprit of your yellow ...
I saw a tweet (well, post on X) in which someone advised, “only floss the teeth you want to keep ... no direct attachment between the front of your gnashers and your gums.
OTTUMWA, Iowa (KTVO) - A nurse in Iowa was fired from her hospital after a video allegedly showed her flossing her teeth over a patient. On Dec. 25, 2024, Joe Bainbridge shared a video on Facebook ...