The wren celebration may have descended from Celtic mythology. Ultimately, the origin may be a Samhain or midwinter sacrifice ... And, in the Isle of Man, the hunting of the wren is associated with an ...
Ciaran O'Cofaigh is the founder of the film and television company ROSG and is an experienced producer, director, and animator. Originally from Meath, he has been living and working in Connemara for ...
In ancient Irish mythology, Brigid was a fire goddess. Nowadays, her canonization is celebrated with a perpetual flame at her shrine in Co Kildare. One folk tradition that continues in some homes ...
Ecological themes are deftly woven into The Last Wild Cat, which intersects with Maori myth and the ethics of animal rights. In its respectable villain, Professor Smoult, it challenges ideas of ...
Today it is an often-repeated phrase that culture eats strategy for breakfast. Some people may feel that the notion of culture is amorphous, but it has an inextricable link with an organisation’s fina ...
Altan wil perform in Dromid as part of Éigse na Brídeoige festival in south Kerry's Uíbh Ráthach Gaeltacht. Pólca 4 who will perform in Ballinskelligs as part of Éigse na Brídeoige from ...