Now, Godzilla is set to take on Marvel superheroes in an issue succinctly titled Godzilla vs. Marvel where the former will encounter the Fantastic Four, Thor, X-Men, Spider-Man, Hulk, the Herald of ...
Godzilla vs King Ghidorah, 1991: In an intriguing twist, time-travelling enemies bring a cybernetic King Ghidorah back from the future, to prevent Japan’s economic ascendancy. * Godzilla vs ...
The miniseries will be written by Ryan North, with art by John Romita Jr ... This issue will also feature King Ghidorah imbued with the Power Cosmic. This will lead to an unlikely team-up between ...
will pit the FF and the Silver Surfer against King Ghidorah, who will become the herald of Galactus in the story. Godzilla Vs. Marvel was announced with a piece of promotional art by Leinil ...
Written by Ryan North, with art by John Romita Jr. Godzilla vs. Fantastic Four #1 will see Marvel’s First Family facing a threat unlike any other. The story finds the kaiju King Ghidorah coming ...
The first instalment drops in March and sees Marvel's First Family square off with Godzilla villain King Ghidorah, "who has been imbued with the power cosmic as the new herald for Galactus ...