diff sub classes based on the object is passed. - becasue of overriding wise polymorphism, user class becomes Loose coupling and Dynamic Binding - it means when we want to work with new sub class, we ...
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The U.S. is imposing some of its strongest measures yet to limit Chinese advances in artificial intelligence, requiring companies to get government approval to export certain information about ...
In addition, it can deplete regulatory T cells, thereby overriding their antitumour immune responses. Anthracyclines can induce an immunogenic variant of apoptosis in tumour cells, thereby ...
BACKGROUND The guidelines on control and prevention of tuberculosis in the United Kingdom have been reviewed and updated. METHODS A subcommittee was appointed by the Joint Tuberculosis Committee (JTC) ...
Osteoporosis is a common complication of many types of liver disease. Research into the pathogenesis of osteoporosis has revealed that the mechanisms of bone loss differ between different types of ...