One way to reduce your monthly bill is to join a plan with friends and family, as the monthly cost per line gets lower as more people are on a plan. See our guide to the best family cell phone ...
Lastly, Visible Wireless, powered by Verizon's network, simplifies the prepaid plan landscape by offering just two options: Visible and Visible+. Both plans include unlimited talk, text, and data, ...
Thousands of Texans in need are abandoning the state’s suicide hotline mid-call every month as call centers struggle under a $7 million funding deficit and a growing suicide rate ...
Patty’s Burgers and Milkshakes, a ‘50s-themed restaurant in South Tacoma, has closed. The restaurant appears to have called it quits at the end of 2024, ending a nearly 15-year run at 5615 South ...
You can get it for free with Unlimited Ultimate plans and a new line. This Verizon phone deal is great for Apple fans. Trade-in any phone and you'll get up to $830 off an iPhone 15. Note that you ...