In a first for Oak Lawn Community High School, Yemeni students shared their rich culture and heritage with the public during a special night designed just for them. Their Arab friends whose ...
Seeing your culture represented on campus through various food options can be one way for students to settle into new and unfamiliar settings. At surface level, the University’s open dining plan is ...
“Anything that becomes popular in college student culture—new technology, new apps, new recreational activities—is of interest to us. These have an effect on students’ day-to-day life, and thus become ...
The first randomized control trial of the school-based intervention called Supporting Transition Resilience of Newcomer Groups (STRONG) shows significant reductions in depression, anxiety and behavior ...
It doesn’t take a financial analyst to realize that the Dartmouth Co-Op store — which claims to sell the “greatest selection of Dartmouth merchandise on the planet” — is heavily overpriced.
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