British comedian Ricky Gervais is saying farewell to a beloved co-star. The German Shepherd dog, named Vislor Antilly, or Anti, played 'Brandy' in the hit Netflix show After Life for all three seasons ...
Scanning the company biographies for this quirky, patchy, candle-lit production of Shakespeare’s late play of lovers sundered and, after many a mishap, reunited, in an Ancient Britain faced with Roman ...
Addie is a Nashville-based writer who is obsessed with all things home decor. In addition to Southern Living, her work has appeared in many print and digital publications, including Better Homes & ...
Charlie Munger made a contrarian bet at 99, doubling his money, and clashed with Elon Musk over taking risks, friend recalls Chinese port ban on US-sanctioned tankers tightens oil supply, Reuters ...
Unlike bulkier candles in glass jars or votives that come in their own little tins, candle holders are a must-have item when you're decorating with tapered candles. While it is relatively easy to ...
A classic film, often hailed by fans as 'one of the funniest ever made', is set to air on TV tonight (January 5) and it is also available for free streaming. The film, which played a significant ...
8yo's Tamagotchi kept dinging, & when I asked if she should check on it, she said, "It probably needs discipline but I don't feel like getting up. It's ok. If I ignore it long enough, aliens will ...