This is where the concept of dark matter comes into play. Scientists believe that galaxies have invisible mass in the form of ...
近日,电子科技大学博士毕业生、新加坡南洋理工大学博士后王文昊和同事造出一种新型波束形成器,借此攻克太赫兹无线通信中长期存在的高路径损耗问题,相关论文发表于 Nature。
就在人工智能学者出人意料地摘得2024年诺贝尔物理学奖之后,北京时间10月9日下午,诺贝尔基金会宣布将今年的诺贝尔化学奖颁发给了三位研究领域与人工智能相关的科学家。 其中,被誉为“AlphaFold之父”的谷歌DeepMind公司Demis ...
New research indicates some of the architecture’s oldest and most reliable designs can be built even better thanks to insect ...
Investors, traders, market analysts, and economists are in the business of understanding stock market movements. And a way to ...
该团队打造的这种与互补金属氧化物半导体兼容的太赫兹拓扑光子集成电路,能用于大规模波束的高效形成,其能支持大规模的单输入多输出和多输入多输出,有望实现每秒数万亿比特的 6G 无线通信。
A data analysis method that borrows concepts from topology – the so-called “rubber-sheet geometry” – may soon find its way to ...
Skoltech researchers and their colleagues from the University of Granada, Spain, have determined the most efficient ways to ...
Mathematicians from the University of the Philippines Diliman have found a new approach to analyzing stock market movements.
Next-generation technologies, such as leading-edge memory storage solutions and brain-inspired neuromorphic computing systems ...
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