Climate change poses a fundamental threat to the places, species and people’s livelihoods WWF works to protect. To adequately address this crisis we must urgently reduce carbon pollution and prepare ...
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Yet they often are excluded from participating in decisions about resource use. WWF addresses this issue by helping women in developing countries gain better access to education, health care, and ...
WWF/ Greg Armfield Plastic pollution can now be found everywhere on our planet, not just on beaches and floating in the ocean. Plastics have been found in the air, soil and water, in our food and even ...
注意:xray系列不开源,直接下载构建的二进制文件即可,仓库内主要为社区贡献的 poc,每次 xray 发布将自动打包。 xray2.0 为了解决 xray 1.0在功能增加过程中变得复杂且臃肿的问题,我们推出了 xray 2.0。 这一全新版本致力于提升功能使用的流畅度,降低使用 ...