The Brainerd Police Department has arrested a Brainerd High School student after receiving word of a social media threat this morning. According to a press release, police officers received the report ...
Press Forward Minnesota announced Wednesday that they are awarding over $500,000 to 13 different news organizations across the state, including us here at Lakeland News. These grants support smaller ...
Sanford Health in Bemidji started enforcing its seasonal visitor restrictions earlier this month due to an increase in respiratory illnesses, and according to Dr. Matthew Hallanger, a Sanford Bemidji ...
When you hear Warroad, you probably think hockey. The town is literally nicknamed "Hockeytown USA," and the water tower boasts a pair of hockey sticks on the sides. So, if we told you there’s a team ...
For years we have helped you explore the world, experience new flavors, and discover cultural history through your television screens. Now it's time to take those same experiences off the screen and ...