During the week, the aggressor country russia released about 900 guided aerial bombs, more than 40 missiles and 400 drones ...
The Ukrainian military on the Pokrovsk axis managed to repulse the assaults of the russians and regain their positions near ...
Over the past day, October 12, the russian army lost 1,300 soldiers killed and wounded. Besides, 9 russian tanks were ...
In the Kursk Oblast, nine Ukrainian soldiers were shot, who probably tried to surrender because they did not have ...
Two russian ships equipped with Kalibr cruise missiles are currently in the waters of the Black Sea. Together, these ships ...
The russian Su-34 fighter jet, which russian bloggers claimed had crashed, could have been shot down by a Ukrainian F-16.The ...
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy presented his victory plan to key Western partner states. Now Kyiv wants to get ...
An An-3 cargo plane crashed during takeoff in the Republic of Sakha, in russian Yakutia. At that moment there were five ...
Poland plans to suspend the right of asylum for refugees. We are talking about those who come to Poland from Belarus.It was ...
Українським військовим на Покровському напрямку вдалося відбити штурми росіян та відновити позиції біля Новогродівки у ...
В республіці Саха, що у російській Якутії під час зльоту впав вантажний літак Ан-3. У цей момент на борту знаходилося пʼятеро ...
Ректор Львівської політехніки Юрій Бобало, в якій працювала професорка Ірина Фаріон, розповів, скільки заробляє під час війни ...