Faith in Action, what unfolded over the two days was a transformative experience filled with love, laughter and profound ...
From September 13 to 15, the Church of St. Francis Xavier (SFX) welcomed youth from the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur for a ...
Gereja St Louis menganjurkan sambutan ulang tahun ke-250 kelahiran Sta Magdalen dari Canossa pada September 15, bertemakan ...
Pada Oktober 7 lalu, Sri Paus telah mengadakan Hari Doa dan Puasa sedunia bagi memperingati satu tahun keganasan ...
At the first meeting of the full assembly of the Synod on Synodality, Pope Francis said a bishop’s ministry should include ...
Tiga orang pemimpin Ibadat Sabda (PIS) yang baharu, telah diutus pada Hari Keluarga Pemimpin Ibadat Sabda peringkat paroki St ...
A spiritually enriching Risen Christ Youth Camp 4 (RCYC4) was held from September 20-22 to ignite the faith and love for God ...
Masyarakat dahulu sehinggalah sekarang selalu berpendapat bahawa kekayaan aadalah kegembiraan, kemiskinan adalah kesengsaraan ...
Kita semua tahu bahawa iman adalah anugerah dari Tuhan. Dan anugerah Tuhan itu dimaksudkan untuk dipelihara dalam kehidupan ...
The papal trip to Asia shows how such pilgrimages are an encounter of deep faith in far-flung places.
The Synod on Synodality, meant to be a moment of encounter and dialogue for the global Church, has provided a venue for ...
"The presence of thousands of young Catholics here showed that Christ is alive in every one of you, then, now, and forever," ...