Liverpool's Lunar New Year festivities reach their height today with a colourful celebration in the Chinatown area. The fun kicks off from 11am with parades, firecracker displays, martial arts ...
This webcomic, which helped create the “DreamWorks Face” meme, was wildly unfair to Dreamworks and overly generous to Pixar, but it caught on as a shorthand comparison between the two studios, which ...
The collection is called the Monument of Remembrance for Slaughtered Animals and it commemorates all the animals that have been killed to support humanity. It includes a goat, a duck, two pigs, and a ...
What is the cutest Pokémon? This question has stumped scholars for millennia. Okay, that’s not true, but it has been the subject of heated debate ever since the first Pokémon card made its way onto ...
On January 27th, 2017, Twitter user @DankMemes [5] posted a photograph of a dog taking a selfie with the caption "might delete soon but I felt cute in this pic ☺️😋😝" (shown below). Within seven ...