This is the starting point for an investigation into the Philosophy of Language. Philosophers have been interested in language for centuries, and in the 20th and 21st century with the development of ...
The philosophy of language explores the nature of language ... into hyperpropositional contexts using Transparent Intensional Logic. This logic allows for a more precise understanding of how ...
The philosophy of language and linguistic theory explores ... to new definitions that combine classical mereology with plural logic. This research addresses the identity conditions of word types ...
In his quest to trace the form of the perfect Adamic language through which Adam communicated with God in the Garden of Eden—William of Ockham, the English Franciscan friar and scholastic philosopher ...
The study of critical thinking is called logic. To be philosophical is to be a logical ... Beyond these traditions lie a host of specialized inquiries, such as, Philosophy of Language, which studies ...
Options cover theoretical and applied moral and political philosophy, the philosophy of mind and language, and further logic, as well as some philosophy-related courses taught by other departments, ...
Philosophy allows us to think critically about the world and our place in it. Our students explore logic, the use of language and the theory of knowledge to develop analytic, logical reasoning and ...