When you are ready to plant, just unroll your DIY seed tapes onto the prepared soil in your garden bed or pots. Cover them ...
Small seeds or seeds with thin coats do not need to ... Plus, getting tiny seeds wet can cause them to clump together, making them harder to sow. Once you've selected seeds you want to soak ...
Finally, sow your seeds according to the package ... As the weather begins to warm, your seedlings will start to emerge. When small specs of green start to peer out of the soil, resist the ...
Also this week, seed sowing withdrawal set-in and I ached to get my hands dirty and begin gardening in earnest. It is still too early to sow nightshades indoors, so I thought I might full-on mimic ...
Meis was one of more than 60 residents who came out to Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center Saturday to learn about winter seed sowing. Members of the Loess Hills Wild Ones conducted the program in ...