I spent a lot of time thinking about the different bosses he would fight.” The resulting world premiere, “Cuckoo Edible Magic,” steams with silliness. “Dragon Ball Z” and “Sailor Moon” references ...
On the islands, Kiko learned to work with a host of ingredients, including fresh seafood and furikake, the regional spice mix added to rice. And one surprising ingredient...spam.
Current local time in Chamorro Standard Time (Chamorro Standard Time time zone). Get information about the Chamorro Standard Time time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight ...
Propylene glycol is a synthetic food additive that belongs to the same chemical group as alcohol. It is a colorless, odorless, slightly syrupy liquid that is a bit thicker than water. It has ...
Some people prefer the term “omnisexual” to “pansexual.” That's because the term pansexuality implies that attraction to people has nothing to do with gender. In contrast, people who ...
Mexico City has a seemingly infinite number of signature dishes you can find on a restaurant menu or served by a street vendor. One of the most popular is tortas, a kind of sandwich that brings with ...