Also encountered in the Erebus target 1 area are interpreted late porphyry dykes cross cutting into the Takla Basalts and the Black Lake Suite. This suggests a long-lived, multi-phase, intrusive cycle ...
Tonnes of rock from a crumbling cliffside has fallen onto Seaham Hall Beach in a landslide. The cliff started to crumble on Tuesday and by midday, huge sections of it crashed onto the sand below. It ...
The public has been warned to "stay away" from cliff edges after a large landslide on Seaham Hall Beach yesterday. Eyewitnesses described seeing small slips as early as 10am but the main landslide ...
A large section of cliff has crashed on to a beach in a landslip. Eyewitness Laura Hagan saw the rocks come down at Seaham Hall beach, near Ryhope in County Durham, at about 10:00 GMT on Tuesday.