Three communities in the Town of Mammoth Lakes have begun the process for jointly mitigating wildfire risk in hopes of reducing fire insurance costs and minimizing the chance of losing their ...
It’s always struck me as ironic that the first phase of The Parcel Housing Project is named “The Sawyer” given that we long ago expressed as a community our desire to be a “village in the trees” and a ...
But we know government. We know that with prevailing wage laws and union rules, it’s not going to be that efficient. The general hope is for Boondoggle Light – which strikes me as a good name for a ...
People can no longer smoke in their homes if they live in a multi-unit building in Mono County, according to a new ordinance approved by the Mono County Board of Supervisors. The ordinance was ...
Mammoth Public Works Director Haislip Hayes was unhappy with the Sheet’s report on the Mammoth Arts and Cultural Center (MACC) project oversight published last week. He expressed this displeasure at ...
Killing mountain lions is still an option. It just involves some paperwork.
The incumbents would suggest if you’re happy with the status quo (SMHD is building a new $140 million wing without having to go to the voters for a bond measure, because the district is in excellent ...
Here’s an excerpt from the story: “‘People who come to Tahoe still, will come to different parts of Lake Tahoe. They will not come to the South Shore as much as they did,’” said Jerry Bindel of Forest ...
The Southern Mono Hospital District features three incumbents and a challenger. The incumbents would suggest if you’re happy with the status quo (SMHD is building a new $140 million wing[…] ...
Most highway projects aim to lessen congestion, but promoting congestion isn’t a bad thing in the Lee Vining Rehabilitation Project, said Caltrans Design Manager Michael Collins. The $20 million ...
As another Hurricane (Helene) bears down on the Gulf Coast … The Great Displacement, as defined by the author: “When climate change makes it too risky or expensive for people[…] ...
With summer winding down and cool air moving into the mountains this weekend, Editor Lunch decided it was time for me to enjoy a bit of light reading. His choice[…] ...