It is an anime series that is about a curse of spooky spirals that drives many citizens of a town called Kurouzu-cho or Black Vortex Town crazy. The anime would follow Kirie Goshima, who is a female ...
The Yamaha YZF-R9 has been officially revealed as the company’s second-most capable sports bike in the stable. Details here.
Germany’s unabashed celebration of all things beer and Bavarian food is back, and here are the best places to make the most ...
GTA Vice City Nextgen Edition is generating a lot of hype among fans as Revolution Team is working hard to remaster one of the gaming industry’s most beloved classics. With fans waiting for literally ...
Despite nearing 40, Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi, arguably two of the biggest legends the sport has ever seen, are still going strong and showing no signs of slowing down. Meanwhile, French ...
The iPhone 16 series has got off to a flying start – the long queues outside Apple stores worldwide show how excited people are about the entire range. The addition of the Camera Control button and ...
Let’s turn back the clock back to the 1950s. The Western world was in the throes of post-war recovery. Optimism and a can-do spirit pervaded daily life and bled into popular culture. Films like An ...
Fresh from winning the Suite Award at AHEAD Awards Asia 2024, Mondrian Singapore remains setting standards a year after its opening. We speak with the hotel’s new general manager Guillaume M. J.
Things are changing in the Android ecosystem. Gone are the days when Google was in a race to push out the newest version of Android just days after Apple’s new iOS release. Acting with such urgency ...
How do you celebrate when you are christened the world’s third-richest person? For Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, gifting a one-off custom minivan for the better half was one way. Zuckerberg’s car ...