Worldwide, around 540 million adults suffer from diabetes – a figure that is expected to rise to almost 800 million by 2045.
Am 10. Oktober berät der Bundestag ein Gesetz, das das Bundesverfassungsgericht besser schützenwill. Max-Planck-Juristinnen ...
When different varieties of one plant species are crossed with each other, their hybrid offspring are often more robust and ...
Der deutsche Beitrag zu CMIP5 und damit zur Klimamodelldatenbasis für den 5. Weltklimabericht wurde am DKRZ mit dem Erdsystemmodell des MPI für Meteorologie erstellt. Mit drei Modellkonfigurationen ...
As you enter the postdoc phase, the goal is to qualify yourself through exciting research projects, important publications, and research stays at renowned institutes in your field. You will conduct a ...
The Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology focuses on matters regarding the origins of humankind. The Institute’s researchers study widely-differing aspects of human evolution. They ...
Born 1955 in New York/USA. PhD in botany Univ. of Texas (1984), scholar (1985) and scientist (1991) at the Institute for Biological Chemistry Washington State Univ. Pullman (USA), Director and ...
The Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics researches information processing in the human and animal brain. The institute is currently in a phase of reorientation and expansion. Theoretical ...
In addition, we regularly offer positions and grants which are available to any applicant, even from outside the specific career path.
Kann ein KI-gesteuerter Roboter in der Natur alleine „überleben“, wie im neuen Kinofilm „Der wilde Roboter“? Für dieses YouTube-Video haben wir eine Gruppe von Wissenschaftler*innen am Max-Planck-Inst ...
Born 1966. Vordiplom in 1989 from the Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, where he studied chemistry as a Bavarian government fellow. In 1990 he moved as a Fulbright scholar to the University of Colorado ...
Waldbrände nehmen weltweit zu, auch rund ums Mittelmeer und in Deutschland. Der Hauptgrund liegt im anhaltenden Trockenstress ...