Noisy (rattling) breathing - The Guinea Pig Forum
2009年10月30日 · Hi, I posted a few weeks back about my baby pig who is now 3 months old. She was sneezing a lot and had a wet nose. She went to vets and was given Baytril which I gave to her for 10 days. I also changed bedding two or three times (in case it was an allergy). Three weeks on she is still...
Noise from guinea pig - sneeze or puff of air ... - The Guinea Pig …
2010年1月30日 · My guinea pig is occasionally making a noise which sounds like a puff of air from his nose. I am not sure if this is a behavioural thing, or a sneeze. It just sounds like a quick puff of air from his nose. I am asking if it is a sneeze or a behavioural thing …
Weird noises coming from piggies stomach :s - The Guinea Pig …
2010年11月16日 · If the sounds are just down to gurgly guts I would stop giving gassy veg such as cabbage/kale/broccoli, ensure a good amount of hay is being eaten. If your pig deteriorates in any way, stops eating or has changes in her poops then a vet visit is needed quickly - the advice given to Emily will apply to your girlie. Suzy x
Snorting Sounds / Nose Clearing? | The Guinea Pig Forum
2020年3月7日 · I have 2 guinea pigs, both males, ~3 months old. Starting yesterday (and continuing today), one of them has been making snorting sounds quite frequently (they sound like he's trying to clear his nose). It's almost always in their kitchen, which is pet-specific wood pellets covered in fleece.
Cooing sound?! (Like a pigeon!) - The Guinea Pig Forum
2009年6月12日 · Guinea pigs are a very vocal and social species and communicate with each other a lot. I think they have something like 15 distinct sounds we can hear and more we can't. They will talk when on their own, with hoomans and other piggies. They all have meanings and some have a variety of meanings.
Noisy, Rattly/congested Sound While Breathing? | The Guinea Pig …
2016年8月5日 · Last December, I got my two guinea pig boys, Meeko and Teemo. They've been perfectly good with no health problems, and they're the lights of my life! Tonight I came home and went to pick up my boys, and reached my hands in to pick them up, I noticed that Teemo was making kind of a weird, rattly noise and it sounded like it was either coming ...
Congested Sounding Piggy - The Guinea Pig Forum
2015年1月21日 · Joined Jul 5, 2014 Messages 1,012 Reaction score 746 Points 580 Location Canada, British Columbia, Maple Ridge
Belly gurgling - The Guinea Pig Forum
2011年8月9日 · The gurgling sounds gradually seemed to disappear but I've heard them again frequently this morning, although, as before, China is still acting and eating normally. Coming right after the devastating and unexpected loss of Harvey, the last thing I can bear is for China to become ill again.
Guinea pig croaking sound
2018年2月19日 · Guinea pig airways are very small and guinea pigs don't breathe much through their mouths, so every little or larger obstruction is very audible. Anything that is not disappearing within a couple of hours on its own or is connected with your piggy losing the appetite/being lethargic/developing heaving sides or clicking in the chest should be ...
guinea pig losing voice (breaking) | The Guinea Pig Forum
2018年7月7日 · Merab also sounds as if her wheek is wearing out. I took her to the vet in case it was an infection but all was clear. She did find her wheek when a thermometer was stuck up her bum though! Most of the time she sounds like Jon Snow. She’s 6 this month